Pastor Michael J. Bradley, Oklahoma
I have been in the ministry now for twenty years and have been taking Bible courses online for about 9 years. After learning about Wisdom University this past year I decided to enroll and become a student and I am so happy that I did. I have learned so much from Dr. Siddiki through Wisdom University that it has amazingly changed my life. With the teachings you can listen to and the study courses that you download, it brings the word of God alive in your spirit. The cost of the courses makes it affordable for just about anyone. The anointing of the Holy Spirit moved upon me during each course I have taken and has greatly increased my faith. Wisdom University has definitely brought me closer to God and has given me so many revelations from God's Word. Every believer should enroll at Wisdom today because the Holy Spirit is absolutely being poured out upon the students of this God ordained university.
Oliva Kavishe, Ohio
I thank God for you and the entire team of God equipped leaders, teachers and mentors from Wisdom University. You guidance and prompt responses whenever I am in need go a long mighty way.
I most solemnly thank God for the amazing wisdom and knowledge that He is revealing to me as I go through my courses. I have only one word to say...If God could use anything...absolutely anything for His glory...let it be me!
Now that I am walking my way through my Master's Degree, please sign me up for my Doctorate, and when I get done with my Doctorate, keep me informed of any new courses that will be added. I have made up my mind that this will be my lifetime story. I can’t get enough of Dr. Nasir and Dr. Anita's teachings. I just can’t get enough of it! It’s unexplainable; it’s like reading my personal story, walking me through one revelation after the other after the other. I find myself crying, laughing, strengthened, encouraged and corrected...It is so much joy all together! Thank you all!
Jane Romano, New York
I took my first test and received a score of 95. Praise God. I love the Word. Thanks again for all your "personal, friendly, excellent help."
Roger Literski, Wisconsin
As I had been searching for an online Bible training set of courses and/or program I was pleased to find Dr. Siddiki's Wisdom University courses being offered at a reasonable cost online.
The reasonable cost combined with the convenience of online learning fit my hectic schedule perfectly while at the same time not leaving me with a program that had less information contained within it.
The tests are not only extremely challenging but also a great learning tool. This aspect comes through each time I take a test and see how Dr. Siddiki has constructed the test not only to gauge my understanding but to further embed the learned concepts and principles found in the course itself.
I find myself sharing the information with my wife Eugenia and mother Mary, time and time again as I get excited about the revelation of previously read scriptures now coming alive through Dr. Siddiki's courses.
I look forward to finishing all of the courses as both time and money provide, I also look forward equally to the knowledge I will be taking from the courses that can and will be used to help not only myself but those I meet throughout my life's journeys. The courses combine both audio and written lessons for the student. The lessons are loaded with all of the scriptural backing needed to back up the concepts contained in that lesson. Dr. Siddiki's teaching style lends a wonderful sense of humor to each lesson while still keeping the focus on what is so vitally important to take from the lesson itself.
The University's counselors are extremely helpful and accessible and are truly a pleasure to conduct business with. In conclusion, if you want to have a 'Rhema' bible school quality learning experience without having to relocate to Oklahoma do yourself a favor and try just one Wisdom University course, I feel that you will feel the same excitement over take you as the Word becomes more real and powerful to you than ever before!
Lisa Buldo, New Jersey
"I had been looking for a distance learning course I could take where I could actually get my degrees, and I was SO BLESSED to find Wisdom University Online. I had already been watching Dr. Siddiki on television for some time, and his style of preaching and teaching is so wonderful because he makes the Word of God SO SIMPLE to understand! I knew this would be perfect for me.
One thing in particular that happened while I was taking one of the courses is that a mini-hurricane blew through my area where I live. In the course I was taking, Dr. Siddiki was talking about speaking to actual storms in your life. I’m talking about the weather here! The exact day that I was listening to this teaching, a mini-hurricane blew through my area and I saw a tree from my office window across the street just break in half and fall. My bird was going crazy, and I ran to the back patio sliding glass doors and saw branches falling everywhere. Just as the backyard furniture was being lifted off the ground to be thrown into the pool, I said "NO! IN THE NAME OF JESUS, I COMMAND YOU, STORM, TO GO AROUND THIS PROPERTY IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! I meant it when I said it. I spoke with absolute authority and it literally did not throw the furniture into the pool, but immediately calmed within a few seconds and went around our property and kept going!
The best part was that when I saw with my own eyes what was happening around me, it was already in my spirit to do this, and it just came out of me to speak God’s Word over that storm. God’s Word works and Dr. Siddiki is one of the best teachers of the Word of God! Thank you Dr. Siddiki!!”